R&I Cooperation
Coordinated and interrelated work activities of all parties are a prerequisite to achieving excellence in research, development, and innovation. Thus, the ATHENA Cooperation Model for R&D envisions key activities, cooperation and common understanding to support involved partners in their effort for joint R&I advancement. The model is to serve as a platform for conceptualisation, advancing knowledge and orchestrating innovative ideas as a process or product itself.
ATHENA Cooperation Model for R&D
ATHENA Cooperation Model for R&D aims to improve bridging the gap between the conceptualisation of new ideas and the innovation as a process or product itself. The ATHENA partnership will establish the ATHENA Cooperation Network – a comprehensive network of regional entry points and innovation and support services to strengthen common R&I fields and topics. As a part of this comprehensive network, each partner institution will introduce a regional entry point, responsible for
- directing enterprises and other external partners to relevant R&I and other service providers within the network,
- helping to find the right solutions and partners,
- bracing and supporting the cooperation within the ATHENA partnership.
The ATHENA Cooperation Network will encompass qualified experts from different areas of support with in-depth knowledge of the R&I environment as well as the national and international economy. The ATHENA Cooperation Network will be overseen, guided and steered by a Research Board composed of representatives of partner institutions.

ATHENA Cooperation Model for R&D (full document in pdf).