Online language cafe
Practice your German, English, French, Italian or Portuguese language skills in a relaxed atmosphere at the ATHENA online Language Café and get to know different cultures and people at the same time. Together with fellow students from the ATHENA network, you can exchange views on cultural or regional topics, university, personal things etc. and play some fun games.
The team from the Language Café (native speakers of the different languages) coordinates and supports every session and helps to overcome initial inhibitions.
The Language Café is alive on Zoom
every Wednesday from 6 -8 pm (CET).

Link to local communities & culture
Involving national and international students in extra-curricular and volunteering activities with the local community will promote a deeper integration of the ATHENA in its regional contexts while providing a unique opportunity for international students to experience local culture and way of living.
Volunteering plays an important role in developing personal and interpersonal competencies of the participants with a particular impact on students’ employability. When involving foreign students, the impact is even more significant giving them the opportunity to have contact with local people outside the university environment.
Athena student board
The ATHENA Student Board has a central body composed by one student per partner university and a local body, at each partner university. The central body has a President, a Vice-President and an Academic Secretary. They meet every month.

Volunteering for extra-curricular activities promoted by ATHENA will boost the direct interaction of students with local communities and will benefit both groups.
The involvement of the local communities will concern private companies as well as associations, NGOs and local public service institutions such as hospitals and schools.